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Fort Pierce Ahved Back to School Event Recap: A Day of Community, Care, and Preparation

On August 3rd, 2024, the Ahved Back to School Event in Fort Pierce brought together families, children, and community members for a day filled with support, joy, and essential services. With a total of 404 participants, the event was a testament to the power of community collaboration and care as we prepared students and their families for the upcoming school year.

Participants and Families

The event welcomed 210 families, totaling 404 participants, including both adults and children. It was heartwarming to see so many coming together to ensure their loved ones are equipped and ready for the school year.

  • Adults with children: 122

  • Adults without children: 88

School Supplies and Backpacks

One of the highlights of the event was the distribution of backpacks and school supplies, tailored to meet the needs of students at various educational levels. We were thrilled to support:

  • 179 Toddlers/Kids

  • 28 Teen Boys

  • 29 Teen Girls

  • 1 College Student

Health and Wellness Services

The Ahved Back to School Event also focused on the health and well-being of our community. Local Sante Plus Medical Center provided valuable eye screenings to 22 adults, ensuring that vision care was accessible to those who needed it most. Additionally, 20 students received health screenings and physicals, helping them start the school year on a healthy note.

Food and Meal Giveaway

A significant aspect of the day was ensuring that families had access to nutritious meals. We provided food and hot meals to 215 participants, emphasizing the importance of nourishment for both the body and mind.

Immigration Services

Recognizing the diverse needs of our community, the event also offered immigration services. Thirty people received assistance with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), employment authorization, and residency applications, helping them navigate the complexities of their immigration status.

A Community United

The Ahved Back to School Event was more than just an opportunity to distribute school supplies; it was a day that embodied the spirit of unity, care, and support. We extend our deepest gratitude to all the volunteers, sponsors, and participants who made this event a resounding success.

As we move forward into the new school year, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a community to support one another. Together, we can ensure that every child is equipped not only with the tools for academic success but also with the knowledge that they are part of a caring and supportive community.

We look forward to continuing this tradition of service and community building in the years to come.

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