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mission statement

Our Mission


To empower underserved communities by dismantling barriers to health care and facilitating seamless integration into American society. AHVED is dedicated to providing essential resources in healthcare, transportation, language education, and food security, ensuring every individual has the opportunity for a healthier, well-integrated life.

Our Vision

Envisioning a future where health equity is a reality for all, AHVED aims to be the foundation upon which barriers are eliminated, and resources are accessible for everyone to achieve their highest potential. We strive to create a world where the journey towards health and integration is supported, celebrated, and achievable by all.



  • An organization capable of putting together the Haitians

  • An organization that respects values and integrity

  • An organization that opts for: commitment
    "Around an ideal and common Project"

  • An organization that promotes: 

    • Patriotism

    • Responsibility of citizens

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