faites un impact en devenant un ami d'ahved
When you become a Friend of AHVED, you are making a commitment to invest $100 (annually) or $10 per month because you understand that it takes time and financial resources to empower people through community-based advocacy. Your Friendship is a great way to get involved and send a message that you are standing up to empower immigrants through immigration support services, learning English as a Second Language (ESL), financial literacy, and health education.
We have two (2) Friends of AHVED Giving Levels:
$100.00 (Annual Commitment) - Friend of AHVED Benefits:
Click here to become a Friend of AHVED
Recognition on our Website
Recognition on Radio Evolution Inter 88.3 FM Fort Myers (reaching over 100,000)
Name on AHVED's Donor Wall of Fame in the Support Center
Invitation to Annual Friends Appreciation Luncheon
$500.00 (Annual Commitment) - Business Friend of AHVED Benefits:
Click here to become a Business Friend of AHVED
Recognition on our Website with a link to Company's Website
One interview annually and Recognition on Radio Evolution Inter 88.3 FM Fort Myers (reaching over 100,00)
Company name prominently placed on AHVED's Donor Wall of Fame in the Support Center
Invitation to Annual Friends Appreciation Luncheon
If you have any questions, please give us a call at (239) 249-3423, WhatApp at (239) 600-9735 or email to paulineahved@gmail.com.